Merri Creek Sewer Rehabilitation

McFarlane Reserve Chemical Dosing Facility Civil Works 
April 25, 2018
McFarlane Reserve Chemical Dosing Facility Civil Works 
April 25, 2018

Merri Creek Sewer Rehabilitation

Nearly 100 years ago the M41 fresh water main from the Merri Creek to the MCG was installed to supply Melbourne’s CBD, therefore it came as no surprise that it required upgrading to a new higher capacity main.

The new M41 fresh water main is a pipe approximately 2 meters in diameter and carries fresh water to the CBD under high pressure.

The path of the new main was been chosen to avoid sewer mains, minimise disruption, and cause no damage to trees. Melbourne Water drew up the plan with each tree individually marked with the extent of its roots shown on the map as a no-go zone for digging, all to complies with the AS 4590 Standard 2009. Two trees bordering the bike path were moved, then put back after the pipe was laid.

Land Engineering was accepted for the Melbourne Water Corporation “Water Plan 3 Capital Program’ between Thiess (CPB Contractors) Black & Veatch Joint venture and the Principal (Melbourne Water) to perform the works on the Merri Creek Main Sewer which included installation of new sewer pipe lines; installation of new manholes; reinstatement and re-vegetation.

Project Description


Coburg, Northcote

  • Deep sewer main construction (225 – 300 mm PVC Pipe up to 14 m deep)
  • New manholes (1500 mm, 1800 mm up to 14 m deep) construction
  • Micro-tunnelling
  • Testing & commission
  • Decommissioning Merri Creek Sewer Main (Grout filling & Abandon)
Water Agency:

Melbourne Water

Work Categories:

​SC1, SC2, SC7, R1, R3