McFarlane Reserve Chemical Dosing Facility Civil Works
April 25, 2018Backlog & ECO Connections Program
May 2, 2019Armstrong Creek Air Treatment Facility
Barwon Water appointed FHDB (Fulton Hogan Del Plant Beca) as Principal Contractor to undertake detailed design, supply, construction and commissioning of an air treatment facility at Armstrong Creek. The air treatment facility extracts and treats air from the main outfall sewer and discharges the treated air through a stack.
Land Engineering was accepted by FHDB perform works including installation of precast box culvert; construct vehicle crossing; installation of stormwater drainage; installation of a water main; installation of electric and communications conduits and installation of DN900 Extractor Duct.
Project Description
- Supply & Install water Main incl. Meter Assembly
- Supply & Install Storm water Drainage, Installation of Electric & Communications Conduit, – Supply & Install 900 mm Extractor Duct
- Install Air Treatment Facility Slab
- Install formwork & steel fixing for air treatment facility slab
- Install Retaining Wall
- Vent stack removal and rehabilitation of outfall sewer manholes
- Core boring & live connections into Barwon Water out fall sewer manhole under full BA conditions
- Epoxy coating to the inside of manhole after completions of connections
- Construction of Driveway
- Swale drain construction
- Landscaping & culvert rock beaching
- Pressure testing, RPZD testing & Compaction testing
Water Agency:
Barwon Water
Work Categories:
WC1, SC2, SC5, SC7